Then it happened... a couple of days later little fluffy white flakes began to slowly drift to the ground. Before long there was a gentle white layer of snow covering the cold, dull colors of winter. It was the FIRST snowfall of the new year. What was once quiet and colorless, muted and silent, drab and dull was soon dressed in mystical white. The snowfall is a transformation that is hard to describe to someone who has never experienced a New England winter. There is something about the blanket of white that falls from the sky that somehow makes things seem to have new life. Take a look next time it snows at someone’s back yard before anyone has walked through it. The unbroken snow cover just after a winter storm is a sight to see; part of you wants to dive in, and part can't help but to stand in awe as you take it in.
Haven't you had dull or muted moment in your life at some point? I have. When the choice you made did not work out the way you thought it would, a relationship goes bad, a business partnership turns out to cost you the money you thought it would make you. Maybe you lost the job you thought was stable. Whatever it was it feels like the colors have faded. Everything seems to exist in muted shades, the prospects seem dull and drab.
In the Old Testament of the Bible there was a King whose name was David. This King who was a shepherd as a boy, and the leader of a militia as a young man was also a poet and song writer. He was a pretty intense guy who lived his life somewhat impulsively. One time after making an impulsive decision he realized that he had made a huge mistake. He basically looked after he leaped. Have you ever been there?? If you are breathing on planet earth you have. Maybe you made a quick decision you wish you could unmake; you made a comment you wish you could take back, you commit to something or someone you wish you could get out of or away from; the result?? You lose a job, you burned that bridge, you dropped the straw that broke the camel’s back and now the colors of life are dull and muted.
Well guess what... God controls the weather! He’s the one who sends the fluffy white flakes. This king who was a poet wrote these words: “Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.” - Psalm 51:7. Whiter than snow!! What a m
Just a thought...
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