Thursday, July 8, 2010


Do you remember when you were in elementary school or maybe even junior high (or perhaps last week), when there was one kid or maybe a group of kids that would get some kind of cool gadget and soon everyone had it or at least wanted it. Yeah, they call that crowd mentality. Crowds draw crowds.

Most of us, perhaps even all of us, are part of some kind of crowd, Seth Godin would call it your "tribe". Your tribe gives you a sense of an identity, it shapes your worldview. One man alone does not a crowd (or tribe) make. But when many people gather around one man, or one idea, or one worldview, or (insert point of self identity), then for better or worse you have a tribe.

Some will fight viciously to preserve their tribe because this is what gives them a sense of identity and purpose. In places in the world where your tribe is your family, it is not uncommon to see bloody feuds continue for decades. In America it is not quite this bad, usually; but our crowd is still very important to us.
This video has been circulating around the internet for a while but it helps make my point. If you have not see it yet, you have to watch to the end.
When you consider the crowd that you are a part of, do you think about what people outside of the crowd think of your crowd? What do you do to attract outsiders?
It has been said that the Church is one of the few institutions that exists for those who are not a part of it. Even though this is true, the reality is that the Church has not always acted this way.
When Jesus walked the earth there were throngs of people who followed him, to the point where a few times he had to sneak away in order to have some peace and quiet. Do you know of any place where people thronged to church?
The funny thing is, tribes are being formed everyday, and crowds are thronging to them.

Some observations on Crowds based on the above video:
  1. The crowd you belong to determines the person you are becoming.
  2. People follow passion.
  3. One passionate individual can draw a crowd but that does not mean he knows what he is doing.
  4. No one wants be a part of a crowd that is not excited about what they are doing.
  5. One passionate person who thinks he is drawing a crowd, but is standing alone is just an idiot on the side of a hill.
  6. When one idiot on the side of a hill is surrounded by people, he is suddenly cool.
  7. Always have a video camera with you
  8. It is easier to act out when you are surrounded by people who are acting out.
  9. If this guy can draw a crowd why can't you?
  10. In the moments before they thronged the lone dancer, what do you think was going through the mind of those people who sat and watched him.

What is keeping you from doing something so unique that people might stare at you for a while... before joining you?

Just a Meandering Thought...

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