Saturday, January 9, 2016


The Ancient Hebrews believed a name made a statement about who you were and who you were supposed to become. Some scholars believe an individual became a person when they were given a name, an identity. One of the first tasks that God gave Adam in the garden was to name the animals.

Noah’s name comes from the same root as the verb which means to comfort, to relieve or bring relief. The Hebrews understood that Noah's name linked him to his destiny, which was to alleviate the pain of the curse of sin. Noah had a destiny and his name gave it a shape and a direction, a purpose. His life’s direction, goal for living was to fulfill, live up to the weight of his name: to bring relief and comfort to humanity and ultimately to God.

I kind of feel like Moses may have been a little overwhelmed (I would have); the task too great, the destiny too grand. He may have felt too small compared to the expectations. Many of us carry this kind of soul level, heart level name. Some of us have chosen that name, some of us have had the name forced on us. It makes a statement about our value, what we are worth, our destiny. At some point we have all had a name that stuck to our soul, that defined our heart.

Sometimes I think that my actual name, my birth name, is more a reflection of my parents than it is of me. I have a soul level, heart level name that has come to me through life, but I have my birth name that has come to me from my parents and tells me something of what they thought of me. In the same way, I think God has a name for us that can redefine our destiny and redirect our soul. A name that may not fit now but one we can grow into with His help.

What if that soul level name was not based on our performance or experience, not based on our scars. What if it was based on the love of a Father who accepted us no matter what the condition of our shattered heart was? What if a new destiny, purpose, direction was right around the corner and we did not have to earn it? This is the kind of God that Noah listened to, the God of the Scriptures.

Just a Meandering Thought...

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