Saturday, February 6, 2016


Genesis 6:8 But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord.

The term “find favor” is used of someone who has little to no power being associated with someone who has power. Someone of superior status helping someone with inferior status. To “find favor” is an expression used when someone is making a request of a superior. In Genesis 33 Jacob requests favor of his brother Esau. In Genesis 39 Potiphar helps Joseph, a slave, by giving him by giving him tremendous responsibility and status.

Scripture does not record many people finding favor with God. Adam walked with God in the Garden, but is not said to have found favor with God. Enoch walked with God but is not said to have found favor with God either. It is almost as if finding favor with God is not something that can be worked for or earned, it is simply granted.

Esau had an army at his back, Jacob had just his family placing him at his brother's mercy. Joseph was a slave in Potiphar's household, he was dependent on someone of a higher status for anything. Noah had no way to survive a massive flood he was dependent on someone with a higher status, greater resources. It was when these men found they had come to the end of their own resources that they could understand finding favor with someone greater and more powerful.

It is not our strength or abilities that makes us worthy of anything, not our ingenuity. Rather, when we recognize we don't have what it takes we become eligible for eternal resources from someone with a higher status than us.

Just a Meandering Thought...

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