Years ago I took a trip to Asia and experienced the breathtaking sights, the cacophony of sounds, the diversity of the land reflected in the faces of the people and the rich cultural heritage of Northern India. I learned so much about the history and traditions of the people of Northern India and about what anchors their beliefs to the land of their ancestors. I discovered things about the people I never would have otherwise learned and I discovered things about myself that I would have never otherwise learned.
In just a few short days I will be returning to that part of the world. To a region close to Northern India. To a land of deeply held traditions and cultural heritage. Nepal is a country that sits on top of the world... so-to-speak.
Nepal rises from as low as 190 feet in tropical Terai, the northern rim of the Gangetic Plain where temperatures can reach up to 110F, to beyond the perpetual snow line where 90 peaks over 7,000 meters including Everest can be found and temperatures can be as cold as anything in the polar regions.The average annual precipitation varies from as little as 6.3 inches in the north of the Himalaya to as much as 216.5 inches on windward slopes.
I go to observe, to listen, to share from my own life and experiences and perhaps to challenge some to think and see beyond themselves and their current circumstances to something greater than themselves. The best way for me to share my story is to first listen to theirs. That will be the first thing I do.
Listen to the stories that surround you. Listen to the stories of hurt, pain, loss, survival and you will hear stories similar to yours. You may even hear stories that inspire you to do and be more without having to travel to a far off place. Maybe what you hear will inspire you to go to a far off place to inspire others.
Just a Meandering Thought...
Some very deep thoughts!