So we spent the day yesterday just lounging around the house, and running a couple of errands for the trip to India. We visited a picturesque little known spot on the Cape called the Knob.

Last night Sara and I went out for a date just before I head out to India. It was the first time we have been on a date, just the two of us since Samuel was born. It felt new but familiar.
Today I am finishing my repacking before I head out to catch a bus to the Airport.
I am bringing along some reading material for the long plane ride and train rides that I will be taking as I go.
Philip Yancey's - "Soul Survivor" where he lists and talks about the people who most helped him to navigate his youth and early adulthood and survive organized religion to become a man who still believes in God.
Maurice Herzog's - "Annapurna" the story of the first ascent of Annapurna which was also the first ascent of an 8,000 meter peak.
C.S. Lewis's - "Surprised by Joy" which is his account of his early life; the circumstances which led to him becoming a man of faith.
Maybe you see a theme or two. Overcoming obstacles and the things that influence us to be able to over come them. We are all influenced by things every day. Every minute really. The idea being that if you can selectively choose your influences; put yourself in a place where you are mostly influenced by the things that will push you in the direction you want to go, you are way ahead of the game.
I am choosing to allow India to be an influence in my life, one of many. What is influencing you? Your surroundings will affect your direction; your direction determines your destiny.
Just a Meandering Thought...
Last night Sara and I went out for a date just before I head out to India. It was the first time we have been on a date, just the two of us since Samuel was born. It felt new but familiar.
Today I am finishing my repacking before I head out to catch a bus to the Airport.
Maurice Herzog's - "Annapurna" the story of the first ascent of Annapurna which was also the first ascent of an 8,000 meter peak.
C.S. Lewis's - "Surprised by Joy" which is his account of his early life; the circumstances which led to him becoming a man of faith.
Maybe you see a theme or two. Overcoming obstacles and the things that influence us to be able to over come them. We are all influenced by things every day. Every minute really. The idea being that if you can selectively choose your influences; put yourself in a place where you are mostly influenced by the things that will push you in the direction you want to go, you are way ahead of the game.
I am choosing to allow India to be an influence in my life, one of many. What is influencing you? Your surroundings will affect your direction; your direction determines your destiny.
Just a Meandering Thought...
SUCH a good time w/you on our date night :) but you can't forget our date in beantown a few weeks back. have an AMAZING time! wish i could join you. someday...